BVR Project Yaml Convention
About 4 min
BVR Project Yaml Convention
The Work
Work in Progress
This is a WIP, please be aware.
Continuing from our work yesterday, here is the yaml standard we've reached:
name: '?'
overview: '?'
general: 'Who are the potential customers? What are their needs and preferences?'
query: 'Considering the below information, What is the target audience for this business_idea: `idea`'
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: 'How big is the potential market for the product or service?'
query: 'Considering the below information, How big is the potential market for this business idea: `idea`'
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: 'Who are the competitors, and what is their market share? What makes your idea different or better?'
query: 'Who are the competitors of the below business idea, and what is their market share? What makes this idea different or better from these competitors?: `idea`'
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Product or Service:
general: 'What problem does it solve or need does it meet for customers?'
query: What is the Value Proposition in this business idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: How is it different or better than similar products or services?
query: How is this business idea different from or better than similar products or services?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: Is the idea technically and operationally feasible?
query: Is earning profit with this business idea technically and operationally feasible?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Target_Audience: '`targetAudience`'
Market_Size: '`marketSize`'
Competition: '`competition`'
Differentiation: '`differentiation`'
Value_Proposition: '`valueProposition`'
Revenue_Model: '`revenueModel`'
general: 'How will the business make money? Will it use one or more of these: sales, service fees, subscriptions, freemium, advertising, affiliate marketing, licensing, franchising, sponsorship, memberships, donations, crowdfunding, leasing, lending, commission, marketplace, data dealing, ecommerce, wholesale, dropshipping, value-added reselling, pay-as-you-go, consulting, per transaction fees, loyalty programs, service or product bundling, white labeling?'
query: 'Which of the following revenue models are appropriate for this business idea: sales, service fees, subscriptions, freemium, advertising, affiliate marketing, licensing, franchising, sponsorship, memberships, donations, crowdfunding, leasing, lending, commission, marketplace, data dealing, ecommerce, wholesale, dropshipping, value-added reselling, pay-as-you-go, consulting, per transaction fees, loyalty programs, service or product bundling, white labeling?'
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: What are the estimated costs involved in producing and delivering the minimum viable product or service for this business idea?
query: What are the high level ballpark estimated costs involved in producing and delivering the minimum viable product or service for this business idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: What are the projected profits and their timeline?
query: What are the high level ballpark estimated costs involved in producing and delivering the minimum viable product or service for this business idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM):
general: '`serviceableObtainableMarket`'
Pricing_Strategy: '`pricingStrategy`'
Revenue_Model: '`revenueModel`'
Sales_Channels: '`salesAndDistributionChannels`'
Logistics: '`logistics`'
Marketing & Sales:
general: What is the best marketing strategy for this business idea?
query: What is the best marketing strategy for this business idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: Through which sales channels will the product be sold?
query: Through which sales channels will the product be sold?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: How will the product or service be best priced to attract customers while remaining profitable?
query: How will the product or service be best priced to attract customers while remaining profitable?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Operations & Supply Chain:
general: Who are your key vendors that supply you with materials, products, services, or equipment?
query: Who are your key vendors that supply you with materials, products, services, or equipment?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: What is the process of producing the good or service you're selling? What are conservative, moderate, and aggressive estimates of production capacity?
query: What is the process of producing and scaling this product or service, what are 3 sample production capacities on a sample launch timeline?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: How will the product be distributed to customers?
query: What is the process of producing this good or service and what are conservative, moderate, and aggressive estimates of - production capacity?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Regulatory & Compliance:
Key Legal_Considerations:
general: Are there any legal restrictions or requirements?
query: What are the key legal considerations with this business idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: Are there specific industry regulations that need to be complied with?
query: Are there specific industry regulations that need to be complied with related to this business idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: 'What technology is required to implement this idea? Are you inventing it or have you invented it? (do not consider application of existing tech invented)'
query: 'What technology is required to implement this idea?'
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: Are there patents or trademarks involved?
query: Are there patents or trademarks involved this idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Team and Expertise:
Skills and_Experience:
general: Does the team have the necessary skills and experience to execute the idea?
Gen if not_imputed:
query: What kind of team(s) and required expertise involved to create this idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Advisors and_Partnerships:
general: Are there advisors or partners who can contribute expertise toward this idea?
Gen if not_imputed:
query: What appropriate advisors or partners can contribute expertise toward this idea in order to increase its success?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Risks and Challenges:
general: What are the potential risks, and how can they be mitigated?
query: What risks can you identify in this business idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
All: '`allFields`'
Risk Mitigation_Strategies:
general: How do you plan to prevent the identified risks?
query: What is an appropriate plan to mitigate these risks for this idea?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Risks: '`risks`'
general: What are the backup plans in case of mitigation fails or unidentified risks occur?
query: List some contingency plans to mitigate unidentified risks.
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
Risks: '`risks`'
Sustainability & Social Impact:
general: Does the business idea consider environmental sustainability?
query: Does the business idea consider environmental sustainability?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
general: Does it have a positive impact on society or communities?
query: Does this business idea have positive impact on society and its communities?
idea: '`businessName`, `businessOverview`'
This is a contunuance of our Standards. You can tell from the url text that this is a project we're doing for fun to demonstrate our skills and abilities in managing, organization, standardization, development, vision, perseverance, and ingenuity. All good things start with fun.